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APMC Full Form — Agricultural Produce Market Committee

APMC example
APMC Full Form — Agricultural Produce Market Committee

In agriculture, APMC stands for “Agricultural Produce Market Committee”. It is a marketing board established by state governments in India by the APMC Model Act, 2003. The main objective of APMC is to ensure farmers are safeguarded from exploitation by large retailers, as well as ensuring the farm to retail price spread does not reach excessively high levels. The main function of APMC is to ensure transactions take place in the market area. Focus on providing complete transparency in the pricing system. Ensuring payment for the agricultural produce that is sold by the farmers, on the same day. In APMC, the government ensures, through various laws, that the farmers’ crop is not sold below the MSP. Farmer crops are bid on the market, which can be any bid higher than the minimum support price (MSP).

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