RSVP: Repondez s’il vous plait

The full form of RSVP is “Repondez s’il vous plait“. RSVP is not an English acronym. It’s French phrase Répondez s’il vous plaît (RSVP), which means ‘Please respond’ in English. As such, it has no direct full form in English. If you must have one, it can be ‘Respond soon, venerable person’. It is often written at the end of an invitation or sent as a RSVP card along with an invitation card to mean that you should let the people who invited you know whether or not you are coming.
The host organizing the event wants to know whether you will attend the event or not. In simple words, he wants the confirmation to his invitation in a polite way. It is also a courtesy of responding to someone who is nice enough to invite you. So, if you see RSVP on an invitation card, call your host and confirm him whether you will be coming or not to attend the event. Usually it is used by the host to have an idea of the number of people attending the occasion.
Other full forms of RSVP
Full Form | Category |
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation | Instruments & Equipment |
Rapid Syndrome Validation Project | General Business |
Rapid Syntactic Visual Processing | Physiology |
Rare Songs Very Personal | General |
Rare Symmetry Violating Process | Physics |
Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation | Educational |
Reading, Study, and Vocabulary Program | Educational |
Real Solutions For Video Projects | News & Media |
Really Sour Vicious Pickles | Food & Nutrition |
Really Stupid Viral Protection | General |
Really Stupid Vocal Performance | General |
Recycling Student Volunteer Project | General Computing |
Refund Support Vocations Program | Chat |
Register Students Via Phone | Universities |
Remember Sza Vedding Presents | General |
Remember to Send Valuable Presents | General |
Reply Soon Via Post | USPS |
Reports Scenario Verification Program | Military |
Reserve Seats Via Phone | News & Media |
Resolve to Stop the Violence Project | Law & Legal |
Resource Reservation Protocol | Protocols |
Resources for St. Vital Parents | Educational |
Respond Soon Via Phone | Chat |
Responding Seems Very Pitiful | Chat |
Responsible Social Values Program | Law & Legal |
Responsible Student Volunteer Program | Universities |
Restoring Social Virtue and Purity | Community |
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program | Community |
Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol | Law & Legal |
Return Soon Via Phone | General |
Revenue Share Value Plan | Stock Exchange |
Review, Study, Verbalize, Preview | Literacy |
Revised Standard Version Please | Academic Degrees |
Rice Student Volunteer Program | Universities |
Ride Seattle to Vancouver and Party | Sports |
Roaming Super Villain Party | General |
Rubber Stamp Vendor’s Promise | General Business |