NPR: National Population Register

In India, The full form of NPR is “National Population Register“. It is a Register of usual residents of the country. It is mandatory for every usual resident of India to register in the National Population Register (NPR). The Union Cabinet on 24 December 2019 approved the proposal to make it more relevant by reviewing the NPR linked to the census. The Census Commission has said that the objective of the NPR is to create a comprehensive identity database of every “usual resident” of the country. A ‘usual resident’ is defined for the purposes of NPR as a person who has resided in a local area for the past 6 months or more or a person who intends to reside in that area for the next 6 months or more. The objective of the NPR is to create a comprehensive identity database of every usual resident in the country. The first National Population Register was prepared in 2010 and updating this data was done during 2015 by conducting door to door survey.
Other full forms of NPR
Full Form | Category |
Nepalese Rupee | Currencies |
National Public Radio | News & Media |
Nuclear Posture Review | Military and Defence |
Nippon Piston Ring | Companies & Corporations |
Noise Preferential Routes | Air Transport |
Nail Polish Remover | Fashion & Lifestyle |
National Performance Review | Military and Defence |
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | US Government |
Non Photorealistic Rendering | Software |
New Port Richey | State & Local |
National Partnership For Reinventing | US Government |
Noise Power Ratio | Electronics |
National Percentile Ranking | Universities |
No Particular Reason | Law & Legal |
National Propaganda Radio | General |
National Palestine Radio | News & Media |
No Problem Reporting | Military and Defence |
Never Pay Retail | General |
National Press Release | US Government |
National Proletariat Radio | General |
National Prosperous Radio | United Nations |
Noise Preferential Route | Transportation |
National Peoples Radio | Politics |
National Pinko Radio | General |
Never Praise Republicans | General |
No Password Required | General |
Non Photorealistically Rendered | Law & Legal |
Northern Plains Railroad Incorporated | Railroads |
NEPALGANJ ROAD | Indian Railway Station |
Neutralization Potential Ratio | Chemistry |
Not Pretentious Really | Messaging |
Noiseless Portable Reflector | Computer Hardware |
Number of Parts Requested | Stock Exchange |
Naval Projections Report | Military and Defence |