FYI: For Your Information

The full form of FYI is For Your Information. It is a common internet abbreviation used these days on online chatting. FYI is commonly used in e-mail, instant messaging or memo and messages, typically in the message subject, to flag the message as an informational message, with the intent to communicate to the receiver that they may be interested in the topic, but is not required to perform any action. It is also commonly used in informal and business spoken conversations. The use of FYI acronym in conversation is considered informal. If it is not used properly, it seems disrespectful and arrogant. So, It is advised to avoid FYI in conversation.
Other Full Forms of FYI
FYI full form | Category |
F*** You Idiot | Chat |
Fairbury Youth Involvement | Community |
Family Youth Interventions | Youth |
Feed Your Instinct | General |
Fer Yer Infermaeshun | Miscellaneous |
Festival Youth Instruction | Educational |
Filter Your Internet | Cyber & Security |
First Year Information | Universities |
First Year Interactions | General |
First Year Introduction | General |
Flying Yellow Insects | General |
for Yarn Invasion | General |
For Your Improvement | General |
For Your Inflammation | Products |
For Your Innerself | Chat |
For Your Inspection | Miscellaneous |
For Your Inspiration | General |
For Your Interest | General |
For Your Intonation | Educational |
For Your Investment | Stock Exchange |
For Youth Initiative | Community |
For Youth Inquiry | Miscellaneous |
Forbes Yacht Invitation | General |
Forget Your Idea | Chat |
Foster Youth Involved | Community |
Fostering Youth Independence | Youth |
Found Your Insulin | Miscellaneous |
Free Youth Internet | Internet |
Fresh Youth Initiatives | Educational |
Freshman Year Initiative | General |
Fresno Yosemite International | Airport Codes |
Front Yard Initiative | General |
Fuller Youth Institute | Youth |
Fungal Yeast Infection | Physiology |