Full Forms » Driving Licence » What is the full form of LMV?

What is the full form of LMV?

LMV: Light Motor Vehicle

The full form of LMV is Light Motor Vehicle. It is an abbreviation used by RTO in India to indicate that the holder of the license is allowed to drive a private (vehicle with white number plate and black letters) 4 wheeler like auto-rickshaws, motor cars, jeeps etc. For convenience, vehicles are broadly divided into light motor vehicles (LMV) and heavy motor vehicles (HMV). LMV includes motor cars that are not used for commercial usage.

Driving License

Driving Licence Categories in India

Here’s a basic overview of the driving licence categories and the class of vehicles in India.

Licence ClassVehicle Type
MC 50ccVehicles that have an engine capacity of 50cc or less than that.
LMVVehicles like jeep and motor cars fall under the Light Motor Vehicle Category but these are of non-transport class.
FVGVehicles without gears fall under this category like scooters and mopeds.
MC EX50CCVehicles like motorcycles with gears whose engine capacity is of 50CC or more.
MCWGVehicles like motorcycles both with and without gear fall under this category.
HGMVVehicles like trailers, larger trucks, and other similar vehicles used for transport of goods fall under the category of HGMV.
HPMVVehicles that runs for commercial purpose and has an All India Permit to carry passengers falls under the HPMV category.

All full forms of LMV

The full form of LMV are as follows:

  • Light Motor Vehicles
  • Lettuce Mosaic Virus
  • Labor Material Voucher
  • Light Motor Vehicle
  • Lalitpur Madhyamik Vidyalaya
  • Left Motor Velocity
  • Light Multirole Vehicle
  • Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis
  • Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
  • Los Médicos Voladores
  • Large Model Viewer
  • Leadership Mountain View
  • Leasing of Motor Vehicles
  • Light Motored Vehicle
  • Littoral Mission Vessels
  • Live MIDI Video
  • Long Market Value
  • Lower Master Valve
  • Luxury Multipurpose Vehicle
  • Laboratory of Molecular Virology
  • Light and Medium Duty Vehicle
  • Low Mass Vehicle
  • Low Mileage Vehicle

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