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What is the full form of GP?

GP: Grade Points


The full form of GP is Grade Points. It is also called as quality point. Grade Points (GP) is one of the points assigned to each course credit (as in a college) in accordance with the letter grade earned in the course. When you’re enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme, your GPA is easily one of the most important numbers to keep an eye on. Different educational boards use different metrics in awarding grades to students, along with the marks obtained in most cases. CBSE follows positional grading system where grades are given on basis of the position of the student, if the student is in top 1/8th ranks the grade is A1, next 1/8th A2, next 1/8th B1 and so on…

At many universities and colleges, your Grade Points determines your eligibility for financial aid programs, scholarships, and other support. If you fall below the minimum GP (generally 2.0, but varies from institution to institution), you may lose financial support. GPs are also used as requirements when you want to join a particular club or association or participate in extracurricular activities. You can miss out on many opportunities if your academic efforts are inadequate.

Your GP is also important if you want to continue your studies and apply for a master’s or doctorate. Again, a good Grade Points will depend on the college and the type of program you are applying for. Some will accept students with a 2.75 GPA, others will require a minimum of 3.0 or 3.5.

Other full forms of GP

Full FormCategory
Gram PanchayatGovernmental
Games PlayedBaseball
Green PartyPolitics
General PractitionerAcademic Degrees
General PartnerJob Titles
Genetic ProgrammingGeneral
Govind PadmasooryaCelebrities & Famous
GrameenphoneCompanies & Corporations
Geometric ProgramMathematics
G-PoliceGames & Entertainment
Georgetown Preparatory SchoolUniversities & Institutions
Guinea PigPets & Domesticated
Gas PermeableInstruments & Equipment
Genç PartiPolitics
Gusset PlateArchitecture & Constructions
Guadeloupe (TLD)Domain Names (TLD)
Grand PrixRacing
General PublicUS Government
General PracticeOccupation & Positions
Good PracticeSports
General PurposeMilitary
Gas PhaseChemistry
General PartnershipStock Exchange
Girl PowerFunnies
Gross ProfitGeneral Business
Grupo PopularSpanish
Great PeopleCommunity
Georgia Pacific CorporationNYSE Symbols
Game PadGaming
Grand PrizeSports
Gene ProductGeneral
General ProtectionGeneral Computing
Grupo ParlamentarSpanish
Great PerformancesNews & Media
Game PlayerSports
Good PeopleGeneral
Global PositioningGeneral
Germicidal ProtectionGeneral
Gold PlatedColors
Geographic PositionOcean Science
Gold PointsGeneral
Guitar PlayerGeneral
Gradual ProgressionOncology
Gauteng ProvinceRegional
Great PowerGeneral
Globus PallidusGeneral
General PermitGeneral
Game PointSports
Gold PiecesGeneral
Going PublicGeneral
Great PainGeneral
Glow PlugsGeneral
Guest PassSports
Grey PewterProducts
Glacier PointState & Local
Grand ParadeGeneral
General PaperGeneral
Gas PriceGeneral
Grand PaOccupation & Positions

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