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What is the full form of SAP?

SAP: Systems Applications and Products


The full form of SAP is Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. SAP is a leading software company Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany founded in 1972. Systems Applications and Products (SAP) is a Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) software which helps to run day to day business. Earlier it was called System Analysis and Program Development (German: Systemanalyse und Programmentwickung) after that it was renamed as SAP.

Other full forms of SAP

  • SATTENAPALLE (Indian Railway Station)
  • State Agricultural Plan (Banking)
  • Segmentation Application Part (Computer and Networking)
  • Service Access Point (Computer and Networking)
  • System Application Procedure (Computer and Networking)
  • System Area Pointer (Networking)
  • Safety Application Layer Protocol (Networking)
  • Start of Active Profile (Networking)
  • Service Announcement Protocol (Networking)
  • Session Announcement Protocol (Networking)
  • Sandipan Accepted Protocol (Networking)
  • System Application Product (Softwares)
  • Structural Analysis Program (Softwares)
  • Secondary Audio Program (Electronics)
  • Soft and Pretty (Messaging)
  • Sorry Ass Person (Messaging)
  • Safety Action Plan (Messaging)
  • Standard Accounting Procedures (Accounts and Finance)
  • Substituted Accounting Period (Accounts and Finance)
  • Service Advertisement Protocol (Accounts and Finance)
  • Systems, Applications, Products (Accounts and Finance)
  • Statements On Auditing Procedure (Accounts and Finance)
  • Software Accounting Programme (Accounts and Finance)
  • Strain Arrestor Plate (Space Science)
  • Substance Abuse Professionals (Job Title)
  • Santo Ant (Country Specific)
  • San Pedro Sula (Airport Code)
  • Systems Applications Processing (Database Management)
  • Simultaneous Algebric Programs (Maths)
  • Special Access Program (Military and Defence)
  • Semi-armor Piercing (Military and Defence)
  • Scientific Advisory Panel (Military and Defence)

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