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What is the full form of TBT?

TBT: Throwback Thursday


The full form of TBT is Throwback Thursday. Throwback Thursday (TBT) is a popular internet trend used among social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It refers to a weekly social media posting trend and hashtag game used by people to share or look back on their favourite moments, so it got a “throwback” theme. Users will often post nostalgic pictures of their past accompanied by the hashtag #TBT or ThrowbackThursday. It is used by people all over the world to share and relive their past experiences with anyone they want. While a majority of posts reflect positive moments in someone’s past, the term throwback can be attributed to anything in the past.

Other full forms of TBT Acronym

  • Technical Barriers To (Business)
  • Technical Barriers to Trade (Governmental)
  • Teddy Bear Times (News & Media)
  • TeX by Topic (News & Media)
  • Total Body Training (Sports)
  • Tabatinga, AM, Brazil (Airport Codes)
  • Tuning By Travis (Business)
  • Tampa Bay Times (News & Media)
  • Tomorrow’s Bread Today (Religion)
  • Tunnels, Bridges, and Terminals (Transportation)
  • Turn Back Time (Unclassified)
  • Turkey Breeding Thursday (Miscellaneous)
  • Tequila Beer Tacos (Miscellaneous)
  • To Be Translated (News & Media)
  • Temple Beth Tikvah (Unclassified)
  • Talking Book Topics (Miscellaneous)
  • The Basketball Tournament (Basketball)
  • Turn By Turn (Miscellaneous)
  • To Be Tested (Unclassified)
  • Tow Bowl Tactics (Miscellaneous)
  • Toon Boom Template (News & Media)
  • Ten Before Tip (Miscellaneous)
  • Time Based Text (Unclassified)
  • Truth Be Told (Chat)
  • Tacos Beers Tequila (Unclassified)
  • Tal Body Temperature (Miscellaneous)
  • Task Based Training (Miscellaneous)
  • Taught by Ted (Unclassified)
  • Technical Barrier to Trade (Miscellaneous)
  • Temple Bnai Torah (Religion)
  • Texas Ballet Theater (Theater)
  • The Big Tiger (Unclassified)
  • The Bunny Team (Miscellaneous)
  • Thoroughbred Bulk Terminals (Unclassified)
  • Thoughts Become Things (Chat)
  • Through Bore Tree (Miscellaneous)
  • Tool Box Talk (Unclassified)
  • Torre Baseball Training (Sports)
  • Trampled By Turtles (Miscellaneous)
  • Troy Brouwer Thursday (Miscellaneous)
  • The Black Tattoo (Hobbies)
  • Think Bout That (Chat)
  • TriButyl Tin (Chemistry)

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