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What is the full form of MP?

MP: Member of Parliament


The full form of MP is “Member of Parliament“. A member of parliament (MP) is the representative of the voters to a parliament. In many countries with bicameral parliaments, this category includes specifically members of the lower house, as upper houses often have a different title.

A MP in Lok Sabha is the representative of the Indian people in the Lok Sabha; the lower house of the Parliament of India. Members of parliament of Lok Sabha are chosen by direct elections on the basis of the adult suffrage. Parliament of India is bicameral with two houses; Rajya Sabha (upper house i.e. Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (lower house i.e. House of the People).

Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha is to consist of not more than 250 members – 238 members representing the States and Union Territories, and 12 members nominated by the President. It currently has a sanctioned strength of 245 members, of which 233 are elected from States and Union Territories and 12 are nominated by the President. Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. However, one third of the members retire every second year, and are replaced by newly elected members. Each member is elected for a term of six years.

Lok Sabha

The Lok Sabha is composed of representatives of people chosen by direct election on the basis of Universal Adult Suffrage. Maximum strength of the House is 552 members – 530 members to represent the States, 20 members to represent the Union Territories, and 2 members to be nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian Community. At present, the strength of the House is 545. 543 members are directly elected by citizens of India on the basis of universal adult franchise representing Parliamentary constituencies across the country and 2 members are appointed by the President of India from Anglo-Indian Community.

Article 84 (under Part V. — The Union) of Indian Constitution sets qualifications for being a member of Lok Sabha, which are as follows:

  • He / She should be a citizen of India, and must subscribe before the Election Commission of India an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule of Indian Constitution.
  • He / She should not be less than 25 years of age.
  • He / She possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made by Parliament.
  • He / She should not be proclaimed criminal i.e. they should not be a convict, a confirmed debtor or otherwise disqualified by law; and
  • He / She should have his/her name in the electoral rolls in any part of the country.
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