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PhD Full Form
The full form of Ph.D. is “Doctor of Philosophy”. PhD is a widely used acronym for a programme that is offered at a doctorate level. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest university degree that is conferred after a course of study by universities in most countries. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. As an earned research degree, those studying for a PhD are usually required to produce original research, normally in the form of a thesis or dissertation, and defend their work against experts in the field.

A question may come to your mind as to why PhD is extended as Doctor of Philosophy when awarded in almost every field. In the context of academic degrees, Philosophy does not simply refer to the field of Philosophy or that the holder of a PhD does not necessarily have to study Philosophy, but it refers to its original Greek meaning which is “love of knowledge”.
Other full forms of PhD
Full Form | Category |
Pizza Hut Delivery | Companies & Firms |
Post Hole Digger | Products |
Port Hueneme Division | Military |
Pretty Hard To Do | Educational |
Playa Hatin Degree | Universities |
Professional Hair Dresser | Occupation & Positions |
Pizza Home Delivery | Business Term |
PolyHedra Database | File Extensions |
Professional Hardware Diagnostics | Computing |
Permanent Health Damage | Physiology |
Patent Application Information Retrieval | US Government |
Personal Health Diary | Physiology |
Player Hating Degree | Joke |
Pretty Heavy Drinker | Joke |
Preparing His Disciples | Christianity |