IOC: International Olympic Committee

The full form of IOC is International Olympic Committee. It is a not-for-profit independent international organisation and is the supreme authority of the worldwide Olympic Movement. International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the authority responsible for organising the modern Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games (YOG), held in summer and winter, every four years. IOC is based in Lausanne, Switzerland. It was founded by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas in 23 June 1894, and the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held on 6 April 1896 in Athens, Greece and it has not stopped growing ever since.
As of April 2020, Thomas Bach is the president and Christophe De Kepper is the Director-General of IOC. The president oversees the activities of the committee while the main decisions are taken by the IOC Sessions and Executive Board. As of April 2019, its membership consists of 95 active member countries and 44 honorary member countries.
Other full forms of IOC
Full Form | Category |
Indian Oil Corporation | Companies & Corporations |
International Olive Council | Governmental Organizations |
Initial Operating Capability | Military |
Indicator Of Compromise | Security |
IntraOral Camera | Instruments & Equipment |
Integrated Optical Circuit | Electronics |
Indian Orthodox Church | Religion & Spirituality |
International Order of Characters | Professional Associations |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission | Ocean Science |
Inversion Of Control | Software |
Immediate Or Cancel | General Business |
Invasion Of Chaos | Science Fiction |
Input/Output Controller | Hardware |
Imitation Of Christ | Religion |
International Oil Company | Companies & Firms |
International Organized Crime | Law & Legal |
Infantry Officer Course | Military |
Inter-Office Channel | Telecom |
Inter-Organizational Council | United Nations |
Index Of Cooperation | US Government |
Index Of Coincidence | Unit Measures |
Interception Of Communication | FBI Files |
Infrastructure Operating Center | Cyber & Security |
Insist On Cash | Accounting |
Intolerant Olympic Committee | Funnies |
International Othello Competitors | Sports |
Indian Ocean Climate | Ocean Science |
In-Organic Contaminants | Environmental |
Impedance Of Circuit | Electronics |
I’m Obviously Corrupt | Chat |