1) AF: Atrial Fibrillation

In the medical field, AF stands for Atrial Fibrillation. AF is an irregular and abnormal heart rhythm in which the electrical signals are generated chaotically throughout the upper chambers (atria) of the heart. It reduces the ability of the atria to pump blood into the ventricles, and usually causes the heart to beat too rapidly. Half a million new cases of AF are diagnosed every year in the United States, and billions of dollars are spent annually on its diagnosis and treatment.

Many people with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) have no signs or symptoms. Occasionally there may be heart palpitations, fainting, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. The disease is associated with an increased risk of heart failure, dementia, and stroke. High blood pressure and valvular heart disease are the most common alterable risk factors for AF. Other heart-related risk factors include heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart disease.
2) AF: As Fuck

In Chat the full form of AF is As Fuck. The word AF generally stresses on the verb or the adjective of that sentence. It’s used after an adjective as an “intensifier” to emphasize the strength of a statement. Think, “I’m extremely tired.” In the AF usage, this phrase would become “I’m tired AF” or “tired af.” It’s used to explain that the thing is as hard as fuck. When a person says “ I’m tired af”, he’s trying to explain how tired he is or difficult that job is, and so he uses af to lay a stress on it. With another example of “he’s hot af”, the person definitely tries to say how extra hot he is by saying AF. So it comes as a way of expression and detects the word or the thing the person’s trying to lay emphasis on.
3) Other full forms of AF
The full form of AF are as follows:
Full Form | Category |
Abraham Fund | Non-Profit Organizations |
Absolutely Fake | Coins |
Absolutely Fantastic | Miscellaneous |
Acceleration Factor | Physics |
Access Fund | Non-Profit Organizations |
Acid-Fast | Physiology |
Acronym Finder | Internet |
Across Flats | Geology |
Across the Flats | State & Local |
Action Figure | Hobbies |
Administrative Failure | Military |
Adult Female | Physiology |
Advanced Functions | Assembly |
Afghanistan | Countries |
Afrikaans | Language Codes (2 Letters) |
After Fall | Farming & Agriculture |
After Fantasy | Gaming |
After Ford | Sports |
After Foundation | Construction |
After Life | Science Fiction |
Agnostic Front | Music |
Agreed Framework | Construction |
Air Force | Air Force |
Airway Facilities | Transportation |
Akademi Fantasia | Universities |
Akedemi Fantasia | News & Media |
Alexander Ferguson | Famous & Celebs |
All Fake | Hobbies |
All Flat | Construction |
Alliance Francophone | Companies & Firms |
Allied Forces | Military |
Allocations Familiales | French |
Almost Free | Products |
Alternative Future | Science Fiction |
Aluminium Filler | Products |
American Flag | US Government |
American Forces | Military |
American Forests | Non-Profit Organizations |
American Front | Politics |
Amniotic Fluid | Physiology |
Anarchist Federation | Science Fiction |
Ancestral File | Hobbies |
Anisotropic Filtering | Physics |
Anistropic Filtering | Chemistry |
Another Future | Gaming |
Anti Federation | Politics |
Anti Flag | Products |
Anti-Fatigue | Physiology |
Anti-Fungal | Laboratory |
Aortic Flow | Physiology |
Application Framework | General Computing |
Appropriated Funds | Military |
Approximately Finite | Mathematics |
April Fool | Miscellaneous |
April Fools | Days Abbreviations |
Armed Forces | Military |
Armor Factor | Gaming |
Arrow From | General Business |
Arthritis Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations |
Asked For | Physiology |
Assured Forwarding | Telecom |
Atlanta-Fulton | Cities |
Attenuation Factor | Electronics |
Audio Frequency | News & Media |
Augmentation Force | Military |
Augmented Formulation | Chemistry |
Aunt Flo | Names and Nicknames |
Authentication Framework | Software |
Authority File | Software |
Auto-Finish | Software |
Automatic Filter | Electronics |
Automatic Focus | News & Media |
Automotive Forums | Internet |