LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off

The full form of LMAO is “Laughing My Ass Off“. This acronym is used when a person finds something extremely funny. LMAO is an Internet slang commonly used by young people in Internet conversations while chatting. There are also some slang words that are used instead, like LOL, ROFL etc. These slang terms are very popular on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. When a new person uses a social media account or someone who rarely uses their social media account, it has become very complex to figure out the real meaning of this type of slang words. LMAO words is a very versatile slang, it can be used to express many different things. Therefore, it is recommended to use these slang words with great care. Sometimes abbreviations like LMAO can be vulgar in chatting. So instead of using this abbreviation, you can use the following synonyms.
- LOL (laugh – out – loud)
- LML (laughing mad aloud)
- ROGL (Rolling on the grass laughing)
- ROFL (Rolling on the floor laughing)
- LMBO (laughing my butt off)
- I couldn’t stop laughing
- I burst out laughing/I burst into laughter
- It had me dying of laughter
- That’s funny how
- It’s hilarious
- It was side-splitting
- It was priceless
- It was humorous
- It was comical
- It was amusing
- It made me laugh
- It’s funny how
- It cracks me up
- It cracked me up
Other full forms of LMAO
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