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PDF Full Form

The full form of PDF is “Portable Document Format”. PDF was developed in the 1990s for viewing documents as an electronic image. It was developed and controlled by Adobe Systems. It stores text and images that be opened on any OS. Portable Document Format (PDF) files are especially useful for documents such as magazine articles, product brochures, or flyers in which you want to preserve the original graphic appearance online.
To read PDF file, we need PDF reader software. Adobe Reader is one such software. But it is very large and takes a long time to start up and runs slow (especially on older PC). One of the most popular, lightweight, small size and free software to read PDF files is – Foxit Reader. It runs very fast, starts up quickly.
Benefits of using PDF
- Provides perfect mobility and portability: PDF provides mobility and portability. You can read a PDF file anywhere using free tools like Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Retains the original format: PDF shows the same format, layout, and content regardless of the device, software, and operating system it’s viewed on.
- Highly Secure: PDF provides an easy and secure approach to data transmission and sharing via email.
- Compact – PDFs can be compressed into a small file size that you can easily share with others while keeping full control over the document.
- File Compression: You can compress your raw data file without any loss in quality. It can make data sharing faster.
Other full forms of PDF
Full Form | Category |
Pair Distribution Function | Physics |
Probability Density Function | Mathematics |
Peace Development Fund | Organizations |
Pakistan Development Forum | Forums |
Planetary Defence Force | Fictional |
Playa del Fuego | Festivals & Events |
Prado Airport, Brazil | Airport Codes |
Probability Distribution Function | Mathematics |
Parkinson's Disease Foundation | Organizations |
Profilo Dinamico Funzionale | Italian |
Package Definition File | File Extensions |
Program Development Facility | General Computing |
Partnership Development Fund | Police |
Panamanian Defense Force | Military |
Program Data Form | Military |
Personally Dedicated Folder | Networking |
Piano Discussion Forum | Forums |
Programmable Data Formatter | NASA |
PCAD Database Interchange Format | File Extensions |
Padget's Disease Foundation | Organizations |
Postdoctoral Fellowship | Academic Degrees |
Pigs Do Fly | Joke |