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What is the full form of DCA?

1) DCA: Diploma in Computer Application

DCA full form

The full form of is DCA is Diploma in Computer Application. Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) is a one year course to study computer applications in depth. No minimum cutoff is required and anybody who has completed high school can enroll for this degree. Subjects studied under this course are-Fundamentals of Computers, Introduction to programming, basic internet concepts etc. The course imparts scientific, practical and technical knowledge to its learners about various computer tools that are used in day to day life. The applications make tasks easier and provide ease of use. A computer programmer or operator are in high demand in all sectors of the market. They are used at shops to create a database for all the items with their serial numbers, price and quantity ratios. At schools, computer operators are required to sit behind the desk and manage the computer database for the school, list of all the students, their details, fee payment, enrollment details and all other activities of students are recorded in the computer.

After completing DCA you can have a number of career prospects and all sectors are open to you. This program imparts specialization in the fields of:

  • Basics Computer Skills
  • MS Office Applications
  • Internet Basics
  • E-Business
  • Software Hacking & IT security
  • PC Assembly and Troubleshooting
  • Software Engineering

2) DCA: Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar Cost Averaging

In the field of Stock Market DCA full form is Dollar Cost Averaging. DCA is an investment strategy with the goal of reducing the impact of volatility on large purchases of financial assets such as equities. In DCA an investor places a fixed dollar amount into a given investment (usually common stock) on a regular basis. The investment generally takes place each and every month regardless of what is occurring in the financial markets. As a result, when the price of a given investment rises, the investor will be able to purchase fewer shares. When the price of a particular security declines, the investor will be able to purchase more shares. Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is also called the constant dollar plan (in the US), pound-cost averaging (in the UK), and, irrespective of currency, as unit cost averaging or the cost average effect.

3) Other Full Forms of DCA

DCA Full FormCategory
Degree Confluence ProjectUniversities
Department of City PlanningState & Local
Deferred Compensation PlanGeneral Business
Data Collection PlatformHardware
Defined Contribution PlanStock Exchange
Direct Current PlasmaElectronics
Disney Consumer ProductsCompanies & Firms
Democracy Cell ProjectPolitics
Data Compression ProtocolCyber & Security
Downtown College PrepEducational
Disease Control PrioritiesLaboratory
Dolphin Communication ProjectMilitary
Distinguished Club ProgramToastmasters
Drum Corps PlanetMusic
Digestible Crude ProteinFood & Nutrition
Development Concept PaperMilitary
Die Cast PromotionsCompanies & Firms
Digital Copy PermittedSoftware
Disabilities and Computing ProgramUniversities
DentalCare PartnersCompanies & Firms
Data Collection PackageMeteorology
Decision Coordinating PaperMilitary
Display Control PanelHardware
Diablo Custom PublishingCompanies & Firms
Downtown Cleveland PartnershipCommunity
Data Collection ProcessorHardware
Data Communications ProcessorHardware
Delphi Compiled PackageSoftware
OS/2 Data CodePageFile Extensions
DriveCrypt PlusSoftware
Diversion Control ProgramEnvironmental
Defense Civilian PersonnelMilitary
Denver Cooperative PreschoolSchools
Direct Current PowerElectronics
District Contact PersonNon-Profit Organizations
Damage Control PartyMilitary
Defense Continuity ProgramCyber & Security
OS/2 Device Code PageFile Extensions
Dielectronic Core PolarizationPhysics
Differential Characteristic ProbabilityMathematics
Direct Combat ProbabilityMilitary
Delta College ProgrammingColleges
Damage Control PlateMilitary
Derry City ProductionsCompanies & Firms
Distributive Collaboration and PrioritizationGeneral Computing
Dewy’s Canadian PagesInternet
Don’t Count PointsSports
Digital Copier PrinterUnclassified
Digital Comics PreservationUnclassified
Digital Content PortalUnclassified

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