The full form of NFSC is “National Fire Service College“. It is located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. According to an Oxford Economics report, Nagpur is projected to be the fifth fastest growing city in the world from 2019-2035 with an average growth of 8.41% It has been proposed as one of the Smart Cities in Maharashtra and is one of the top ten cities in India in Smart City Project execution. The course offered by National Fire Service College (NFSC) is B.E. in Fire Engineering.
JEE Main
Other eligibility criteria Candidates have to fulfill the Physical and Medical Standards.
For Male, height should be minimum 165 cms.(160 CMs for Garhwalls, Assamese Gorkha and member of the Schedule Tribes), Chest measurement should be minimum 81 CMs (unexpanded) and 86 cms. Expanded, Weight should be minimum 50 Kgs and Better Eye Vision should be 6/6 (without aid).
For Female, height should be minimum 157 cms.(154.5 CMs for Garhwalls, Assamese Gorkha and member of the Schedule Tribes), Weight should be minimum 50 Kgs.and Better Eye Vision should be 6/6 (without aid).