CAA: Citizenship Amendment Act

The full form of CAA is “Citizenship Amendment Act“. CAA is an Act passed by the Parliament of India by amending the Citizenship Act of 1955 to provide citizenship to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Christians who came to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan before 31 December 2014. The citizenship of India can be given due to religious persecution of Hindu, Buddhists, Sikh , Jain, Parsi and Christian. The Bill also relaxed the condition of staying in India for 11 years required for grant of Indian citizenship, changing this period as a condition of staying in India for only 5 years. The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was passed in the Indian Parliament on December 11, 2019, with 125 votes in favor and 105 votes against. The bill was passed and the bill was approved by the President on 12 December.
- Also read: CAB full form
Other full forms of CAA
Full Form | Category |
Clean Air Act | Law & Legal |
Civil Aviation Authority | Space Science |
Colonial Athletic Association | Organizations |
Creative Artists Agency | Companies & Firms |
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy | Diseases & Conditions |
Certification Authority Authorization | Internet |
Canadian Automobile Association | Organizations |
Confederation of African Athletics | Organizations |
China Academy of Art | Universities & Institutions |
College Art Association | Associations |
Civil Aeronautics Administration | Departments & Agencies |
Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation [African Aviation Company] | Air Transport |
Canadian Avalanche Association | Regional Organizations |
Canyon Athletic Association | Sports & Recreation Organizations |
Campaign Against Antisemitism | Regional Organizations |
Commission for Academic Accreditation | Departments & Agencies |
Commonwealth Association of Architects | Associations |
Council on African Affairs | Organizations |
Computational AeroAcoustics | Physics |
Coventry Arena | Railway Station Codes |
Cuban Adjustment Act | Law & Legal |
Cyprus Automobile Association | Organizations |
Center for Army Analysis | Military and Defence |
Central African Airways | Airline Codes |
Civil Aviation Agency | Departments & Agencies |
Center for American Archeology | Research & Development |
California Alumni Association | Organizations |
Cat Aficionado Association | Animal Welfare |
Computer-Aided Auscultation | Medical |
Canadian Archeological Association | Professional Associations |
Cycle Action Auckland | Organizations |
Combat Aviation Advisor | Military and Defence |
Combined Agents of America | Organizations |
Computer Assisted Assessment | Computing |
Computer-Aided Assessment | Computing |
Creative Artist Agency | Companies & Firms |
Concepts Analysis Agency | Military and Defence |
Certified Athletic Administrator | Sports |
Civil Air Augmentation | Military and Defence |
Connecticut Archery Association | Sports |
Computer Aided Architecture | Computing |
Codesys Automation Alliance | Alliances |
Combined Arms Agency | Military and Defence |
Constant Angular Acceleration | General |
Category Agreement Analysis | General |
Cancel All Aviation | Transportation |
Carrollton Athletic Association | Sports |
Command Arrangement Agreement | Military and Defence |
Calling All Angels | General |
Campaign Against Aviation | Aircraft & Aviation |
Create An Adventure | Community |
Case Alumni Association | Organizations |
Computer Aided Or Assisted | Computing |
Creative Artists' Association | Organizations |
Coastal Aquaculture Authority | Departments & Agencies |
Care Area Assessment | Healthcare |
CHAKIA | Indian Railway Station |
Customer Application Approval | Messaging |
Catacamas | Airport Codes |