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What is the full form of OK?

OK: Oll Korrect

The full form of OK is Oll Korrect or Olla Kalla. OK is also spelled as okay, ok, or O.K. It is a term used to denote acceptance, agreement, or approval. It is a very common term used in conversation and chatting.

Its full form can also be “Ole Kurreck” or “Orl Korrekt”. Which is slightly different from the Greek “All Correct”. Many people say that it is a misspelling of the word “All Correct”. Although various theories have been given by various scholars on the full form of the word OK, none of them have been finalized.

OK full form

If we look at the background of this word, then we hear bizarre stories such as:

  • War was the usual way during the ancient days. When any army reports about the death of their soldiers and if none of them die, they report it as 0 killed. Thus this zero hit (0 hit) changed to a positive word OK which means everything is fine.
  • The phrase comes from “Okie-Dokie”, which actually came into existence from the English “Okie”.
  •  Greek immigrants used the term, who returned to America and pronounced “Okay Boys”.
  • The term was first used as a slogan during the presidential campaign of Martin Van Buren (1782–1862) in 1840. Martin Van Buren was nicknamed “Old Kinderhook”. Which was eventually shortened to OK. A group of his followers called themselves “O.K. Club “.

Other full forms of OK

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