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What is the full form of RPM?

1) RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

The full form of RPM is Revolutions Per Minute. Revolutions per minute (abbreviated rpm, RPM, rev/min, r/min, or with the notation min−1) is the number of turns in one minute. It is a unit of rotational speed or the frequency of rotation around a fixed axis. RPM tells how many times a mechanical component revolves around its axis in one minute. So, Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) is the rotational speed of a mechanical component such as the crankshaft of an engine, power generator turbine, CD or DVD player and turbocharger.

Revolutions Per Minute

Example to understand the RPM is the tachometer in the dashboard of a car. It measures how many times the crankshaft of an engine revolves around its axis in one minute. Generally, a tachometer measures RPM in thousands. So if its needle is at 2 it means the engine is at 2000 rpm and its crankshaft is revolving 2000 times in one minute.

2) RPM: Revenue Per Mille

Revenue Per Mile

Another full form of RPM is Revenue per mille. Revenue per mille (RPM) is the estimated earnings that accrue for every 1000 impressions received (in Latin, mille means thousand), a commonly used measurement in radio, television, newspaper, magazine, out-of-home, and online advertising. It is used in marketing as a benchmarking metric to calculate the relative cost of an advertising campaign or an ad message in a given medium. It is calculated by dividing the estimated earnings by the number of page views, impressions or queries received, then multiplying by 1000.

3) RPM: Revenue Per Thousand Impressions

Revenue per thousand impressions

In Google AdSense metrics RPM stands for Revenue Per Thousand Impressions. Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM) represents the estimated earnings you’d accrue for every 1000 impressions you receive. RPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views, impressions, or queries you received, then multiplying by 1000. Following is the formula to calculate RPM:
RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) X 1000

4) Other Full Forms of RPM

RPM Full FormCategory
Package ManagerGeneral
Race Performance and ModificationRacing
Racing Performance and MotivationRacing
Racing Performance MachinesRacing
Radial Pressure ManagementPhysics
Radical Play MachineGeneral
Radical Psycho MachineMiscellaneous
Rails Performance ManagementManagement
Raised Pavement MarkerGeneral
Rapid Planning MethodPlanning
Rapid Plant MatrixBotany
Rapid Portage MachineGeneral
Rapid Precision MesoscaleGeneral
Rapid Project MakerGeneral
Rate Per MileGeneral
Rate Per MinuteGeneral
Raw Power MovesSports
Reaching Past The MomentGeneral
Reactor Plant ManualMilitary
Real Player MediaSoftware
Real Plus MinusGeneral
Real Power in MotionSports
RealAudio PluginFile Extensions
Reality Performance ManagementManagement
Really Poor ManagementMiscellaneous
Really Positive MomentumGeneral
Recreation and Park ManagementManagement
Recurring Payments ManagerGeneral
Recycled Parts ManagementGeneral Computing
Red and Purple ModernizationGeneral
Red Hat Package ManagerSoftware
Redhat Package ManagementSoftware
Redhat Package ManagerGeneral
Redhat Pakage ManagerNetworking
Regional Particulate ModelOcean Science
Regional Product ManagerManagement
Regulatory Procedures ManualFDA
Rehab Performance ManagerRehabilitation
Rehhat Package ManagerGeneral
Relative Proper MotionPhysiology
Repair Performance MaintenanceMilitary
Repair Preventive And ModifyGeneral
Repeat Performance MasteringNews & Media
Republic Powdered MetalsCompanies & Firms
Repunched MintmarkCoins
Requests per MinuteGeneral
Resale Price MaintenanceGeneral Business
Rescued Pets MovementGeneral
Research Partnerships ManagerResearch
Research Process ManagerResearch
Respiration Perfusion MentalGeneral
Result Purpose And MassiveGeneral
Retail Promotions MarketingGeneral Business
Revealing Panties MusicMusic
Revelutions Per MinuteGeneral
Revenue Passenger MileTransportation
Revenue Policy MemorandaLaw & Legal
Reverse Pull MarketingGeneral Business
Revoluation Per MinutePhysics
Revolutionary Praise MusicReligion
Revolutions Per MileEducational
Road and Performance ModificationsTransportation
Rotation Per MinuteGeneral
Rotation Per MinutesGeneral
Rotations Per MileUnit Measures
Rotations Per MinuteUnit Measures
Rounds Per MinuteMilitary
Route Processor ModuleGeneral
RPM Package ManagerGeneral
RPM, Inc. of OhioNYSE Symbols
Ngukurr, Northern Territory, AustraliaAirport Codes

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