Table of Contents
PDS Full Form: Public Distribution System

The full form of PDS is “Public Distribution System”. The Public Distribution System (PDS) is a system for the distribution of foodgrains at a subsidized price for economically backward families. Over the years, PDS has become an important part of Government’s policy for management of food economy in the country. The PDS is administered under the joint responsibility of the Central and State Governments. The Central Government through the Food Corporation of India (FCI) has taken over the responsibility of procurement, storage, transportation and bulk allocation of food grains to the State Governments. The operational responsibility, including allotment within the state, identification of eligible households, issuance of ration cards (BPL and APL) and monitoring of the functioning of Fair Price Shops (FPS), etc., lies with the State Governments. Major commodities distributed under PDS are:
- Wheat
- Rice
- Sugar
- Kerosene
Other Full Forms of PDS
Acronym | Full Form | Category |
PDS | Product Disclosure Statement | Business |
PDS | Product Data Sheet | Business |
PDS | Partitioned Data Set | Computing |
PDS | Processor Direct Slot | Hardware |
PDS | Product Design Specification | Business |
PDS | Planetary Data System | Space Science |
PDS | PolyDiOxanone | Chemistry |
PDS | Partially Deceased Syndrome | Fictional |
PDS | Protected Distribution System | Governmental |
PDS | Professional Development System | Business |
PDS | Paroxysmal Depolarizing Shift | Anatomy & Physiology |
PDS | Pigment Dispersion Syndrome | Diseases & Conditions |
PDS | Party of Democratic Socialism | Politics |
PDS | Particularly Dangerous Situation | Science |
PDS | Piedras Negras International Airport | Airport Codes |
PDS | Philip DeFranco Show | News |
PDS | Permanent Duty Station | Military |
PDS | Princeton Day School | Universities & Institutions |
PDS | Presbyterian Day School | Universities & Institutions |
PDS | Patumwan Demonstration School | Universities & Institutions |
PDS | Providence Day School | Universities & Institutions |
PDS | Partito Democratico della Sinistra [Democratic Party of the Left] | Politics |
PDS | Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus [Party of Democratic Socialism] | Politics |
PDS | Partai Damai Sejahtera [Prosperous Peace Party] | Politics |
PDS | Partido Democrático Social [Democratic Social Party] | Politics |
PDS | Parti Démocratique Sénégalais [Senegalese Democratic Party] | Politics |
PDS | Parti de la Démocratie Socialiste [Party of Socialist Democrac] | Politics |
PDS | Partia Demokracia Sociale [Social Democracy Party] | Politics |
PDS | Partito dei Siciliani [Party of Sicilians] | Politics |
PDS | Parti Démocratique Soudanais [Sudanese Democratic Party] | Politics |
PDS | Phytoene Desaturases | Biochemistry |
PDS | Precision Drill Squad | Military |
PDS | Passive Data Structure | Programming & Development |
PDS | Panzer Dragoon Saga | Games |
PDS | Professional Development School | Community |
PDS | Plant Design System | Computing |
PDS | Power Density Spectra | Academic & Science |
PDS | Professional Development Seminar | Community |
PDS | Portable Data Specification | Computing |
PDS | Professional Development Scheme | Business |
PDS | Precision Drilling Corporation | Business |
PDS | Product Development Services | Academic & Science |
PDS | Point Defense System | Governmental |
PDS | Premise Distribution System | Computing |
PDS | Paintball Detection System | Sports |
PDS | Personnel Daily Summary | Governmental |
PDS | Planetary Defense Systems | Governmental |
PDS | Parallel Direct Search | Miscellaneous |
PDS | Patented Delivery System | Business |
PDS | Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy | Tech Terms |