CEO: Chief Executive Officer

The full form of CEO is “Chief Executive Officer“. CEO is the most senior corporate officer or administrator in an organization especially in an independent legal entity such as a company or nonprofit institution. CEO is also referred to as the chief administrator, or just chief executive (CE). In some companies, the CEO is also referred to as MD or ED. Specifically, MD is used in British English and CEO is used in American English. Both can be referred to as synonyms. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a corporation or company directly reports to the chairman or board of directors and is responsible for maximizing the value of the business, which may include maximizing the share price, market share, revenues or another element.
CEO Responsibilities
1. Board Administration and Support
Support the operation and administration of the Board by advising and providing information to Board members, communication between the Board and employees, and evaluating and supporting the Company.
2. Evaluating Performance
Evaluate company’s financial, operational, and sales and marketing structures to plan for continual improvements and a continual increase of operating efficiencies.
3. Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management
Recommends annual budgets for Board approval and judiciously manages the organization’s resources within those budget guidelines in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
4. Human Resource Management
Effectively manages the organization’s human resources in accordance with authorized personnel policies and procedures that are fully consistent with current laws and regulations.
5. Community and Public Relations
Participating in industry-related events or associations that will enhance the CEO’s leadership skills, the organization’s reputation, and the organization’s potential for success.
6. Fundraising
Planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies for raising funds, submitting proposals, and including fundraising records and documentation.
7. Increase Shareholder Value
Looking at potential acquisitions or the sale of the company under circumstances that will enhance shareholder value.
Other full forms of CEO
Full Form | Category |
Chief Electoral Officer | Titles |
Corporate Europe Observatory | Regional Organizations |
Controller of Examinations | Universities & Institutions |
Center for Equal Opportunity | Regional Organizations |
Civil Enforcement Officer | Titles |
Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization | Regional Organizations |
Waco Kungo Airport | Airport Codes |
Community Effort Orlando | Sports Events |
Center for Effective Organizations | Universities & Institutions |
Comprehensive Electronic Office | Software & Applications |
Catholic Education Office | Community |
Chief Ethics Officer | Business |
Chief Engineering Officer | Business |
Chief Eating Officer | General |
Chief Emotional Officer | Miscellaneous |
Career Education Options | Community |
Constantly Evaluating Others | Business |
Children's Education Opportunity | Academic & Science |
Community Education and Outreach | Community |
Creating Educational Opportunities | Community |
Chief Executing Officer | Governmental |
Creating Excellent Organizations | Business |
Chief Energy Officer | Business |
Chief Economic Officer | Business |
Christian Entrepreneur Organization | Community |
Christmas and Easter Only | Community |
Career Education Opportunity | Academic & Science |
Creating Exceptional Opportunities | Community |
Chief Engagement Officer | Governmental |
Chief Evangelist Officer | Business |
Capacity Exposure Optimization | Business |