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LIC Full Form
The full form of LIC is Life Insurance Corporation of India. It is a public sector company in India primarily dealing with life insurance products and investment schemes. It was established in 1956 when the Parliament of India passed India Life Insurance Act. The act merged and nationalized approximately 245 private insurance companies and provident societies to form the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). Its motto is “Yogaksham Vahamyham” which means “Your welfare is our responsibility”.
LIC is India’s largest life insurance company and also the country’s largest investor company. It is wholly owned by the Government of India. It is headquartered at Mumbai, India. It has 8 zonal offices, 113 divisional offices and more than 2000 branches located in various cities of the country and has more than one million agents spread across India.
Top LIC policy
It offers various products which include life insurance policies, savings and investment products. Some of the popular LIC products/plans are given below;
- LIC Jeevan Amar
- LIC E-Term Plan
- LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan
- LIC New Jeevan Anand
- LIC Jeevan Pragati
- LIC Jeevan Lakshya
- LIC New Endowment Plan
- LIC Jeevan Labh
Rewards and Recognitions
According to the 2012 Economic Times Brand Equity Survey, LIC was ranked sixth in the list of India’s most trusted service brands. Since the year 2006, LIC has been consistently winning the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Award. It has won various awards like MEIF Institutional Excellence Award 2012, Golden Peacock Innovative Product/Services Award 2011.
Other full forms of LIC
Full Form | Category |
Limon, Colorado USA | Airport Codes |
Long Island City, New York | Cities |
Least Industrialised Countries | Standards |
License file | File Extensions |
Low Intensity Conflict | Military |
Line Integral Convolution | General |
Line Interface Computer | General Computing |
Licensed Internal Code | General Computing |
Love In Christ | Religion |
Life In Christ | Religion |
Local Interstellar Cloud | Astronomy |
Lecturer In Charge | Universities |
Lawyer In Charge | Law & Legal |
Lynch Interactive Corporation | AMEX Symbols |
Ligation Independent Cloning | General |
Linear Integrated Circuit | Electronics |
Large In Charge | Occupation & Positions |
Chief Lithographer | Military |
Leptospirosis Information Center | Non-Profit Organizations |
Left Iliac Crest | Physiology |