NCERT: National Council of Educational Research and Training
The full form of NCERT is National Council of Educational Research and Training. NCERT is an institute established by the Government of India, which was established on 1 September 1961 as a literary, scientific and charitable society under the Societies Registration Act 1860. Its headquarters is at Sri Aurobindo Marg in New Delhi, India. As of May 2020, Ramesh Pokhriyal is the President and Dr. Hrushikesh Senapaty is the Director of NCERT.

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was formed by combining seven existing institutions. Those institutes are:
- Central Institute of Education (1947)
- Central Bureau of Textbook Research (1954)
- Central Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance (1954)
- Directorate of Extension Programs for Secondary Education (1958)
- National Institute of Basic Education (1956)
- National Fundamental Education Centre (1956)
- National Institute of Audio-Visual Education (1959)
NCERT has been set up with the objective of advising the Central Government and the State Governments on matters related to school education. This council works on all policies related to school education in India. Its main function is to advise the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, especially in relation to school education and help in making policies.
NCERT partners
Several other educational institutions are working as NCERT partners, prominent among them are:
- National Institute of Education, New Delhi
- Central Institute of Education Technology, New Delhi
- Pt. Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal
- Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer
- Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
- Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar
- Regional Institute of Education, Mysore
- North Eastern Regional Institute of Education, Shillong

NCERT is dedicated to provide the following facilities. Below is a list of its top priorities:
- Early childhood education
- Implementing the National Curriculum Framework
- Universalization of Primary Education (UEE)
- Vocational education
- Education for girl child
- Competitive value education
- Improving teachers’ education
- Improve students’ thoughts
Apart from this, other functions of NCERT are to support and encourage research in the whole field of education, to support training in higher education, to implement changes and development in the education system in schools. Providing school education advice etc to state governments and other educational organizations and to work towards the promotion of publication material and other items for their work. Similarly, NCERT has a presence in almost every form of education-related work in India.