UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
The full form of UNESCO is United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is created in 4 November 1946 to promote security and peace through international collaboration. It is headquartered in Paris, France. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a constituent body of the United Nations (UN). Its function is to promote international peace through education, nature and social science, culture and communication.

Its aim is to establish peace and security with international cooperation in education and culture, so that there can be a global consensus for justice, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms as described in the Charter of the United Nations. UNESCO has 193 member countries and 11 associate member countries and two observer member countries. Some of its members are not even independent countries.
UNESCO achieves its objective through five programs
- Education
- Natural Sciences
- Culture
- Social/Human Sciences
- Communication/Information
UNESCO mainly conducts its activities through education, natural science, social and anthropology, culture and information and communication. It sponsors literacy-raising programs and also supports the preservation of buildings and parks of global heritage. The UNESCO heritage list includes many historical buildings and parks. UNESCO has relationships with 332 international voluntary organizations around the world. As of May 2020, the director-general of UNESCO is Audrey Azoulay.