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What is the full form of ADG?

ADG: Additional Director General

ADG full form

ADG or ADGP stands for Additional Director General of Police. It is a top second rank post in the Indian Police Services. Although having the same 3-star police rank as the Director-General of Police (DGP), the ADGP is considered a junior to the DGP. The equivalent designation is Commissioner of Police (also known as Police Commissioners) in some cities such as Kolkata, Chennai, and Vijayawada. The main responsibility of ADG is to maintain law and order and take necessary steps to achieve peace and lawfulness. He also needs to coordinate in the Police department of the respective state or union territory.

ADG Insignia

The ADG’s insignia (in Delhi) is the national emblem on top of the cross sword and baton. ADG’s salary is between 80k to 225k INR and he also gets many facilities like Accommodation, Official Vehicle, Paid salary leave, Medical facility for family, Security guard, Electric & phone facility, and a Lifetime pension.

Eligibility for ADG

  • Educational qualification:To become a ADG, you have to clear the UPSC-IPC exam, for which the candidate must have at least a graduate pass.
  • Age Limit: The maximum age limit shall not be exceeding 56 years. Age limit may differ from state to state and union territories.

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