COBRA Full Form

The full form of COBRA is “Commando Battalion for Resolute Action“. CoBRA unit is also known as ‘Jungle Warriors’. It is a special operation unit of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) of India formed on 12 September 2008. These are the specialized force which has been raised for guerilla/jungle warfare-type operations for dealing with extremists and insurgents, etc. Their motto is “Victory for gallant in war“. CoBRA is one of the best Central Armed Police in the country trained to survive, fight and win in the jungle/forest. CoBRA is ranked as one of India’s most experienced and successful law enforcement units. Each COBRA battalion is headed by an Inspector General (IG), broadly equivalent to a Major General. The IG is assisted in their sector by a variety of staff officers, which may include:
- Deputy Inspector General (DIG) (Administration);
- DIG (Prov);
- DIG (LSC);
- DIG (Works and Accts);
- DIG (TAC Jagdalpur);
- Commandant (Prov/Works and Accts);
- Commandant (Operations and Training);
- A/C IED Advisor; and