CPT: Common Proficiency Test

The full form of CPT is Common Proficiency Test. It is also known as CA-CPT. The Common Proficiency Test (CPT) is an objective test with negative marks. It is an entry-level exam taken by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for admission to the Charted Accountancy course. It is a test of four subjects, namely accounting, mercantile law, general economics, and quantitative aptitude. This test is 200 marks. It is divided into two sessions of two hours each.
A person may register for CPT after completing Grade 10 (10th class) and take the test after completing Grade 12 (PUC) or equivalent from a recognized board. The registration form fee is 600 INR, which can be downloaded from the official website www.icai.org. CPT exams are conducted twice a year, generally in June and December. As of August 3, 2012, CPT is exempt for the graduates, postgraduates, and students with equivalent degrees. Graduates in commerce with 55% and others with 60% can receive direct admission to the IPCC.
Other full forms of CPT
Full Form | Category |
Current Procedural Terminology | Hospitals |
Cape Town International Airport | Airport Codes |
Cost Per Thousand | Internet |
Continuous Performance Test | Tests |
Chest Physical Therapy | Treatments & Procedures |
Curricular Practical Training | Policies & Programs |
Confederación Paraguaya de Trabajadores | Regional Organizations |
Cone Penetration Test | Geology |
Cleveland Public Theatre | Buildings & Landmarks |
Corel Photo-Paint | File Extensions |
Communist Party of Tajikistan | Politics |
Carriage Paid To | International Business |
Captain | Military |
Camden Property Trust | NYSE Symbols |
Christian Peacemaker Team | Products |
Computerized Placement Test | Universities |
Child Protection Team | Police |
Canadian Pacific Railway | Railroads |
Carnivore Preservation Trust | Veterinary |
Cockpit Procedures Trainer | Military |
Certified Phlebotomy Technician | Occupation & Positions |
The College Placement Test | Colleges |
Certified Performance Technologist | Awards & Medals |
Coherent Population Trapping | General |
Cell Preparation Tube | Human Genome |
CA-Cricket Presents Template | File Extensions |
Color Palette Table | General Computing |
Cost Per Transaction | General |
Critical Pitting Temperature | General |
Cellular Paging Teleservice | Telecom |
Colored People Time | General |
Charge Parity Time | General |