CBI: Central Bureau of Investigation
The full form of CBI is Central Bureau of Investigation. It is the premier investigating agency of India. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was originally established in the year 1941 under the name of Special Police Establishment (SPE) and renamed in 1963 by Home Ministry of India. The head of the CBI is usually a senior IPS officer. Other officers of the CBI, which include Superintendent of Police (SP), Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Sub-Inspector (SI) and Constables. CBI works under the Prime Minister of India. Its motto is “Industry, Impartiality and Integrity”. Mr. D. P. Kohli was the first Director and Subodh Kumar Jaiswal is the current (As of 2021) Director of CBI. The headquarters of CBI is located at CGO Complex, near Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi.

Other full forms of CBI
Full Form | Category |
Chicago Bridge & Iron | NYSE Symbols |
Commercial Bank International | Banking |
Confederation for British Industry | Regional Organizations |
Central Bank of Iraq | Banking |
Central Bank of India | Banking |
Central Bank of Iran | Banking |
Central Bank of Ireland | Banking |
California Bureau of Investigation | Departments & Agencies |
College Basketball Invitational | Basketball |
Charles Babbage Institute | Research & Development |
Cape Barren Island Airport | Airport Codes |
Center for Biomedical Imaging | Research & Development |
Central Bukidnon Institute | Universities & Institutions |
Computer Based Interlocking | Rail Transport |
Confederation of British Industry | News & Media |
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company | NYSE Symbols |
Confidential Business Information | General Business |
Caribbean Basin Initiative | International Business |
Computer Based Instruction | Military |
Colorado Bureau of Investigation | State & Local |
China Burma India | Military |
Community Based Instruction | Educational |
Chemical/ Biological Information | Military |
Custom Business Interiors | Companies & Firms |
Cocoa Butter Improvers | Food & Nutrition |
Capital Bank International | General Business |
Critical Behavior Inventory | Physiology |
Clean Bad Idle | Transportation |
Community Based Instructions | Community |
Continuous Brainstorming Investigations | Schools |
Comic Book Internet | Internet |
Constant Bladder Irrigation | Physiology |
Cyborg Bureau of Intelligence | Science Fiction |
Cricket Badmen of India | Cricket |
Choi Brothers, Incorporated | Companies & Firms |
Couple Of Bottles Intoxication | Law & Legal |
Crime Babus Of India | Law & Legal |
Critical Business Issue | Business |