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What is the full form of DTP?

DTP: Desk-Top Publishing

DTP full form

The acronym DTP stands for Desk-Top Publishing. DTP is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer/desktop computer, primarily for printing. It is a graphical processing of documents, such as combining and rearranging text and images, and many other built-In functions in the page layout software, to create a printable digital file on a personal computer (PC). It is a publishing software used to create high quality printed material for individuals, companies and organizations. DTP software provides good control over the layout and design of a page compared to the word processor. One of the main features of DTP is the ability to preview the layout of a page before printing. Desktop publishing (DTP) generally requires the use of a personal computer and WYSIWYG page layout software to create documents for large-scale publishing or small-scale multi-functional local peripheral distribution.

Other full forms of DTP

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