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What is the full form of PNG?

PNG: Portable Network Graphics

The full form of PNG is Portable Network Graphics. It is a format for storing bitmap (raster) images on the computer. The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format was developed in early 1995. The main reason behind its development was the limitation of only 256 colors in GIF. so it is known as a successor to GIF images. PNG is an image format that employs lossless data compression of raster images. It uses the least compression technique to save images as a GIF file, but without copyright issues. It contains a bitmap of indexed colors, so it is also called a bitmap image. PNG supports palette-based images, grayscale images, and full-color non-palette-based RGB or RGBA images. The PNG file uses the .png/.PNG file extension and is given the MIME image/png media type. The JPG/JPEG format can produce a smaller file than PNG for photographic images since JPEG uses a lossy encoding method. Following is an example of a PNG image with PNG full form.

PNG full form

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