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PSI Full Form

In Police, PSI stands for Police Sub Inspector. PSI is the lowest-ranked officer who can file a charge sheet in court under Indian Police rules and regulations. Officers subordinate to him cannot file charge sheets but can only investigate cases on his behalf. SI can be a station house officer in some states like Kerala. SI is generally accompanied by a few police personnel (like ASI, head constable, constables).
Eligibility Criteria
- You should be a graduate in any stream.
- Age limit is 18 to 28 in most states with relaxation as per some category rules.
- Height 5′ 6″ in which chest is 79-84 inches which is not applicable for women the height for them is also 157cms.
- You must be physically fit.
- After Published Advt. Candidates should have PET and PST passed.
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is 1600 meters run and 20 pushups in 6:30 minutes.
- Qualified candidates are called for written test which is OMR based graduate level examination Syllabus varies from state to state. Some states have two papers and other have one. No -ve marking in maximum states.
- After written test candidates are called for viva.
- After viva candidates should go for medical checkup and docs (documents) verification.
- Then they join their zonal police headquarters.
- After sometime they go for training in state police academy.
PSIs are recruited in service by qualifying the exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission Central Police Organisation (SSC CPO). Once the candidates are selected, they are recruited as ASI and after a few years of service are promoted as PSIs. Apart from the Police organisations, the PSIs are also recruited in the other law enforcement agencies such as Motor Transport ands everal paramilitary forces such as BSF, CISF, CBI, ITBP and CRPF also have this post.
Other full forms of PSI
Full Form | Category |
Pound per Square Inch | Units |
Population Services International | Organization |
Pollution Standard Index | Units |
Products, Services, and Ideas | Business |
Pasni Airport, Pakistan | Airport Codes |
Psychological Society of Ireland | Organization |
Pre-Sentence Investigation | Law & Legal |
Personalized System of Instruction | Universities |
Paul Scherrer Institute | Organization |
Precise Stylus Input | General Computing |
Program Specific Information | Software |
Pressure Systems Incorporated | Companies & Firms |
Position Specific Iterated | Mathematics |
Partai Sosialis Indonesia | Indonesian |
Post Secondary Institution | Universities |
Paint Storm Indoor | Architecture |
People Synergistically Involved | Community |
Packetnet System Interface | Networking |
Present Serviceability Index | Transportation |
Philanthropic Service for Institutions | Organization |
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland | Veterinary |
Porta Systems Corporation | AMEX Symbols |
Published Subject Identifier | News & Media |
Published Subject Indicator | Libraries |