RAC: Reservation Against Cancellation

The full form of RAC is Reservation Against Cancellation. It is a reserve status on the Indian railway. Passengers whose names appear on the Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) can board the train with a RAC ticket. It is a type of ticket sold by Indian Railways to travel to passengers whose tickets are not confirmed. It guarantees travel, but it does not guarantee a separate berth/cot, i.e. a berth is divided into two seats for two RAC ticket holders. A seat will be assigned to the ticket that reserves a RAC ticket if passengers who already have a confirmed ticket fail to board before the train departs or their confirmed ticket is canceled. In certain circumstances, a ticket on the waiting list can be converted to a RAC ticket, which means that it will not have a single seat, but will have a shared seat, which means that two passengers with a RAC ticket must have to share a seat between them.

Other full forms of RAC
Full Form | Category |
Rent A Car | Land Transport |
Royal Agricultural College | Universities & Institutions |
Royal Automobile Club | Societies & Clubs |
Religious Action Center | Societies & Clubs |
Royal Armoured Corps | Military |
Recovery Audit Contractor | Policies & Programs |
Rajasthan Armed Constabulary | Police |
Republic Aviation Corporation | Companies & Corporations |
Ryukyu Air Commuter | Airplanes & Aircraft |
Real Application Clusters | Networking |
Reseau ACtion Climat | French |
Regional Advisory Council | Governmental |
Regional Advisory Committee | US Government |
Reliability Analysis Center | Military |
Rock Against Communism | Military |
Radio Amateurs of Canada | Amateur Radio |
Royal Auto Club | Community |
Relative Amplitude Coefficient | General |
Regional Activity Center | Regional |
Rec Arts Comics | Chat |
Risk Assessment Code | NASA |
Remote Access and Control | Electronics |
Regional Association Council | Professional Organizations |
Registration Access Code | Internet |
Regional Administrative Conference | Conferences |
The Risk Assessment Corporation | Companies & Firms |
Reading Across the Curriculum | Literacy |
Relational Application Companion | Software |
Roadless Area Conservation | US Government |
RACial Matters | FBI Files |