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What is the full form of RAC?

RAC: Reservation Against Cancellation

RAC full form

The full form of RAC is Reservation Against Cancellation. It is a reserve status on the Indian railway. Passengers whose names appear on the Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) can board the train with a RAC ticket. It is a type of ticket sold by Indian Railways to travel to passengers whose tickets are not confirmed. It guarantees travel, but it does not guarantee a separate berth/cot, i.e. a berth is divided into two seats for two RAC ticket holders. A seat will be assigned to the ticket that reserves a RAC ticket if passengers who already have a confirmed ticket fail to board before the train departs or their confirmed ticket is canceled. In certain circumstances, a ticket on the waiting list can be converted to a RAC ticket, which means that it will not have a single seat, but will have a shared seat, which means that two passengers with a RAC ticket must have to share a seat between them.

Railway RAC seats

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