Banking Full Forms

Following is the list of all full forms related to the banking sector. It contains various acronyms that are important to know.

AcronymFull Form
RTGSReal Time Gross Settlement System
UPIUnified Payments Interface
BHIMBharat Interface for Money
CAIIBCertified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers
VPAVirtual Payment Address
IMPSImmediate Payment Service
MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
NEFTNational Electronic Funds Transfer System
NPANon-Performing Assets
RBIReserve Bank of India
ADBAsian Development Bank
APBSAadhaar Payment Bridge System
RBLRatnakar Bank Limited
Realtime Blackhole List
MCLRMarginal Cost Of Lending Rate
EMIEquated Monthly Instalmentsb
IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India
NBFCNon-Banking Finance Company
POProbationary Officer
Post Office
CIFCustomer Information File
CTSCheque Truncation System
Clear to Send
IBPSInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection
JAIIBJunior Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers
HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation
ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IFSCIndian Financial System Code
2FATwo Factor Authentication
A&ASAccount & Audit Section
ABEDAArab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
ACFAuto Correlation Function
ACLFAdditional Collateralised Lending Facility
ACSAutomated Clearing Systm
ADAuthorized Dealer
ADFAutomated Data Flow
ADRAmerican Depository Receipt
ADTVAverage Daily Trading Volume
AEPSAadhaar Enabled Payments Switch
AFSAnnual Financial Statement
AGMAnnual General Meeting
AICAgricultural Insurance Company
AIDBsAll India Development Banks
AIFAlternative Investment Fund
AIFIsAll India Financial Institutions
ALCOAsset Liability Committee
ALMAsset Liability Management
AMEXAmerican Express
AMFLAssociation of Mutual Funds in India
AMLAnti-Money Laundering
AMRMSAudit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
ANBCAdjusted Net Bank Credit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APACSAssociation of Payment and Clearing Services
APSFCandhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation
ARCAsset Reconstruction Companies
ARCILAsset Reconstruction Company of India Limited
ASBAApplications Supported Bank Accounts
ASSOCHAMAssociated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATMAutomated Teller Machine
BACSBankers Automated Clearing System
BBRBank Base Rate
BCBSBasel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCPBranch Credit Plan
BCSBIBanking Codes and Standards Board of India
BFSBoard of Financial Supervision
BISBank for International Settlements
BLBCBlock-Level Bankers Committee
BOBanking Ombudsman
BOBBank of Baroda
BODBoard of Directors
BOEBill of Exchange
BOIBank of India
BOPBalance of Payments
BORBank of Rajasthan
BOTBuild,Operate and Transfer
BPCBenefits Processing Corp
BPLRBenchmark Prime Lending Rate
BR ActBanking Regulations Act, 1949
BSCSBasel Committee on Banking Supervision
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
BSRBasic Statistical Returns
CAChartered Accountant
CAAPCapital Adequacy Assessment Process
CADCurrent Account Deficit
CAGController and Auditor General
CAMELSCapital, Assets, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Systems and Control
CARCapital Adequacy Ratio
CARECredit Analysis and Research Limited
CASACurrent and Savings Accounts
CBCanara Bank
CBICommon Bank of India
Central bureau of Investigation
CBLO Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations
CBSCore Banking Solution
CBTComputer-Based Terminal
CCCash Credit
CCBCentral Co-operative Bank
CCILClearing Corporation of India Limited
CCLCash Credit Limit
CDCertificate of Deposit
CD RatioCredit Deposit Ratio
CDBCaribbean Development Bank
CDBSCommittee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CDRCorporate Debt Restructuring
CDSCredit Default Swap
CEDCentre For Entrepreneurship Development
CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Management
CFMSCentralised Funds Management System
CFRACombined Finance and Revenue Accounts
CFSCommittee on The Financial System
CGRACurrency and Gold Revaluation Account
CHAPSClearing House Automated Payment System
CIBILCredit Information Bureau of India Limited
CLBCompany Law Board
CLFCollateralised Lending Facility
CMACollateral Management Agreement
CMISCurrency Management Information System
CMPCurrent Market Price
CNPCard Not Present
COBCorporation Bank
CPColombo Plan
CPFFCommercial Paper Funding Facility
CPIConsumer Price Index
CPsCommercial Papers
CRARCapital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRILCCentral Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRISILCredit Rating Information Services Of India
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CRMDCredit Risk Management Department
CRRCash Reserve Ratio
CSGLAConstituent’s Subsidiary General Ledger Account
CSRcorporate social responsibility
CTICountry Threat Index
CUBCity Union Bank
DBDena Bank
DCCBDistrict Central Cooperative Banks
DCPDistrict Credit Plan
DDDemand Draft
DDMDistrict Development Manager
DFIDevelopment Financial Institutions
DFIDDepartment For International Development
DICGCDeposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DIRDifferential Interest Rate
DNPDDerivatives and New Products Departments
DPGDeferred Payment Guarantee
DPNDemand Promissory Note
DPsDepository Participants
DR!Beneficiaries of Differential Interest Rate
DRATDebt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
DRIDifferential Rate Of Interest
DRTDebt Recovery Tribunals
DSCRDebt Service Coverage Ratio
DTAADouble Taxation Avoidance Agreement
EADBEast African Development Bank
EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECBExternal Commercial Borrowings
ECDEuropean Central Bank
ECSElectronic Clearing System
EDEnforcement Directorate
EDFExport Development Fund
EDIElectronic Data Internchange
EDPEntrepreneurship Development Programme
EEFCExchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EFTPOSElectronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale
EIBEuropean Investment Bank
ELSSEquity Linked Saving Scheme
EPFOEmployees’ Provident Fund Organisation
EPOSElectronic Point Of Sale
EPSEarning per Share
ESIEmployees’ State Insurance
ESOPEmployee Stock Options
ETFsExchange Traded Funds
EXIMExport Import Bank of India
FATFFERA Financial Action Task Force
FCAForeign Currency Assets
FCCBForeign Currency Convertible Bond
FCDFully Convertible Debentures
FCNRForeign Currency Non Resident Deposit Accounts
FCNRAForeign Currency Non resident Account
FDFixed Deposit
FDIFixed Deposit Income
FEDAIForeign Exchange Dealers Association Of India
FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
FERAForeign Exchange Regulation Act
FFAFederal Financial Assistance
FFBFederal Financing Bank
FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIIForeign Institutional Investor
FIMMDAFixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FINOFinancial Information Network and Operation Limited
FIPBForeign Investment Promotion Board
FlsFinancial Institutions
FOBFree On Board
FPIForeign Portfolio Investment
FRBFederal Reserve Bank
FRNsFloating Rate Notes
FROForeigners Registration officer
FRROForeigners Regional Registration officer
FSRASCFinancial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee
FSSFinancial Software Systems
FTAFree Trade Agreement
GAARGeneral Anti Avoidance Rule
GDCFGross Domestic Capital Formation
GDPGross Domestic Product
GDRGlobal Depository Receipt
GFDGross Fiscal Deficit
GIPSAGeneral Insurance Public Sector Association
GIROGovernment Internal Revenue Order
GlCGeneral Insurance Corporation of India
GMSGold Monetisation Scheme
GSTGoods and Services Tax
GSTNGoods and Services Network
GSTPAGlobal Straight Through Processing Association
HFCsHousing Finance Companies
HPFCHimachal Pradesh Financial Corporation
HSBCHong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
HUDCOHousing and Urban Development Corporation
IADBInter American Development Bank
IASIntegrated Accounting Systems
IBAIndian Bank Association
IBBIInsolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBSInternational Banking Statistics
IBUInternational Banking Unit
ICAIndian Council of Agricultural Research
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organisation
ICCIntegrated Circuit Card
ICRAInvestment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited
IDBIslamic Development Bank
IDFCInfrastructure Development Finance Company Limited
IDRIndian Depository Receipts
IDRBTInstitute for Development and Research Of Banking
IEPFInvestors Education and Protection Fund
IFCInternational Finance Corporation
IIBInternational Investment Bank
IIBFIndian Institute of Banking and Finance
IIBIIndustrial Investment Bank of India
IIBMIndian Institute of Bank Management
IIFCLIndia Infrastructure Finance Company Limited
IIFTIndian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIPIndex of Industrial Production
IMDIndia Millennium Deposits
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IMTInstant Money Transfer
INFINETIndian Financial Network
INRIndian Rupee
IOBIndian Overseas Bank
IPInternet Provider
IPOInitial Public Offer
IPPBIndia Post Payments Bank
IPSSIntegrated Payment and Settlement System
IRCIIndustrial Reconstruction Corporation of India Limited
IRBIIndustrial Reconstruction Bank Of India
IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
IRDPIntegrated Rural Development Programme
IREInternal Rating Based
IROsInterest rate options
IRRInternal Rate Of Return
ISCIInternational Standard Industrial Classification
ISINInternational Securities Identification Number
ISOInternational Standard Organisation
IVPIndira Vikas Patra
JCBJapan Credit Bureau
JLGsJoint Liability Groups
KCCKisan Credit Card
KMBKotak Mahindra Bank
KVBKarur Vysya Bank
KVICKhadi and Village Industries Corporation
KVPKisan Vikas Patra
KYCKnow Your Customer Guidelines
LABLocal Area Bank
LAFLiquidity Adjustment Facility
LAMPSLarge Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
LANLocal Area Network
LASLoan & Advances by States
LBDLand Development Bank
LBSLocational Banking Statistics
LDBLand Development Bank
LERMSLiberalized Exchange Rate Management System
LETSLocal Exchange Trading Systems
IIBIIndustrial Investment Bank of India Limited
LIBORLondon Inter Bank Offered Rate
LICLife Insurance Corporation Of India
LOCLines of Credit
LTCGLong-Term Capital Gains
LTFLong-Term Finance
LTNLong Term Note
M&AsMergers and Acquisitions
MBFCMutual Benefit Financial Company
MCAMinistry Of Company Affairs
MEDPMultinational Design Evaluation Progrrame
MFDFMicro Finance Development Fund
MFIsMicro-Financial Institutions
MIBORMumbai Inter Bank Offer Rate
MIRSDMarket Intermediaries Registration and Supervision Department
MISManagement Information System
MNBCsMiscellaneous Non-Banking Companies
MPBFMaximum Permissible Bank Finance
MRDMarket Regnlation Department
MSSMarket Stabilisation Scheme
MTNMedium Term Note
MTNsMedium-Term Notes
MUDRAMicro Units Development And Refinance Agency
NABARDNational Bank For Agricultural And Rural Development
NAFCUBNational Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies
NAFEDNational Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation
NASNational Account Statistics
NAVNet Asset Value
NBCNon Banking Companies
NCAERNational Council of Applied Economic Research
NCCNational Clearing Cells
NCMCNational Common Mobility Card
NCSNetwork Computing System
NDANet Domestic Asset
NDCNon-Dues Certificate
NDSNegotiated Dealing Systems
NDSAPNational Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy
NDTLNet Demand And Time Liability
NECSNational Electronic Clearing System
NFANo Frills Account
NFCNon Banking Finance Companies
NFSNational Financial Switch
NGONon-Governmental Organisation
NHBNational Housing Bank
NIBNordic Investment Bank
NIINet Interest Income
NofNet Owned Funds
NPCINational Payments Corporation Of India
NPLMNon-Performing Loan Management
NPSNational Pensions Scheme
NPVNet Present Value
NRENon Resident External Account
NRINon Resident Indian
NRNRNon-Resident Non-Repatriable Term Deposit Account
NRONon-Resident Ordinary Account
NRSRNon-Resident (Special) Rupee Account
NSENational Stock Exchange
NSFDCNational Scheduled Castes Finance And Development Corporation
NSICNational Small Industries Corporation
NSSNational Savings Scheme
OBCOriental Bank of Commerce
OBEOff-Balance Sheet Exposures
OBUsOffshore Banking Units
OCBOverseas Corporate Bodies
ODIsOffshore/Overseas Derivative Instruments
OECDOrganisation For Economic Cooperation And Development
OFCSOffshore Financial Centers
OLTASOnline Tax Accounting System
OMOOpen Market Operations
OTCEIOver the Counter Exchange Of India
OTPOne-Time Password
OTSOne-Time Settlement
PACSPrimary Agricultural Credit Societies
PANPermanent Account Number
PBSProjected Balance Sheet
PBTProfit Before Tax
PCParticipation Certificate
PCAPrompt Corrective Action
PCARDBPrimary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
PCDsPartly Convertible Debentures
PDOPublic Debt Office
PEPPersonal Equity Plans
PFProvident Fund
PFlsPublic Financial Institutions
PFRDAPension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
PGSPayment Gateway System
PINPersonal Identification Number
PIOPeople of Indian Origin
PISPortfolio Investment Scheme
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
PLIsPrime Lending Institutions
PLPPotential Linked Plan
PLRPrime Lending Rate
PMLAPrevention of Money Laundering Act
P-NotesParticipatory Notes
POAPower of Attorney
PoSPoint of Sale
PPFPublic Provident Fund
PPIsPrepaid Payment Instruments
PRSFPartial Risk Sharing Facility
PSBsPublic Sector Banks
PTCsPass-Through Certificates
QIBQualified Institutional Bankers
QIPQualified Institutional Placement
QISQuantitative Impact Study
RAROCRisk-Adjusted Return On Capital
RBSRoyal Bank of Scotland
RCFRisk Capital Foundation
RCIRefinance Corporation For Industry
RDBMSRelational Database Management System
RDDBFIRecovery of Debt due to Banks and Financial Institutions
RECRural Electrification Corporation
REPOSReady Forward Contracts
RFCResident Foreign Currency
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RIDFRural Infrastructure Development Fund
RMLReverse Mortgage Loan
RNBCsResiduary Non-Banking Companies
RoAReturn On Assets
ROCRegistration of Companies
RoEReturn On Equity
RRBRegional Rural Bank
RWARisk Weighted Assets
SACsSettlement Advisory Committees
SAMISStrategic Asset Management Information System
SARFAESSecurities and Reconstruction of Financial and Enforcement of Security
SARFAESISecuritization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest
SBIState Bank of India
SCBScheduled Commercial Bank
SCCSelective Credit Control
SDBSService Discharge Benefit Scheme
SDRSpecial Drawing Rights
SDSSpecial Deposit Scheme
SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
SEPASingle Euro Payment Area
SEPUPSelf-Employment Programme For Urban Poor
SEZsSpecial Economic Zones
SFCsState Financial Corporations
SFMSStructured Financial Messaging Services
SGBSovereign Gold Bond
SGSYSwarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
SHGSelf Help Group
SIDBISmall Industries And Development Bank Of India
SIDCState Industrial Development Corporation
SIFISystematically Important Financial Intermediaries
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SipSystematic Investment Plans
SIPSSystemically Important Payment System
SJSRYSwarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana
SLBCState-Level Bankers’ Committee
SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
Single Lens Reflex
SLRSScheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
SMESmall and Medium Industries
SMERASME Rating Agency of India Limited
SMILESIDBI Make in India Loan for small Enterprises
SPNSShared Payment Network System
SPOMSelf-Programmable One-Chip Microcomputer
SpySpecial Purpose Vehicle
SSISmall Scale Industries
SSIDCState Small Industries Development Corporation
SSlsSmall Scale Industries
SSSBESmall Scale Service and Business Enterprises
STDShort Term Deposit
STFShort-Term Finance
STPStraight -Through Processing
SWIFTSociety For Worldwide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication
T/TTelegraphic Transfer
TANTransaction Number/Tax Deduction Account Number
TCSTata Consultancy Services
TDFTechnical Development Fund
TDICITechnology Development and Information Company of India Limited
TDSTax Deducted at Source
TIEATax Information and Exchange Agreement
TINTax Information Network
UBBUniform Balance Book
UBDUrban Banks Department
UBIUnited Bank of India
UBINUnique Business Identification Number
UCBUrban Cooperative Bank
UCNUniform Code Number
UCOUnited Commercial Bank
UEBAUniversal Electronic Bank Account
UICUnique Identification Code
UIDAIUnique Identification Authority of India
UPINUnique Property Identification Numbers
USBUltra Small Branch
USDUnited States Dollar
USSDUnstructured Supplementary Service Data
UTIUnit Trust of India
VCFsVenture Capital Funds
VCPVillage Credit Plan
VDBSVertically Differentiated Banking System
VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
VUBVseobecmi Uverova Banka
WANWide Area Network
WBCISWeather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
WCDLWorking Capital Demand Loan
WCTLWorking Capital Term Loan
WL ATMWhite Label ATM
WMAWays and Means Advances
WOSWholly Owned Subsidiary
WPIWholesale Price Index
YTMYield to Maturity